Similar words: federal communications commission, communication, communications, telecommunication, telecommunications, means of communication, communicative, communicate.
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1. Without labels, verbal communication is impossible.
2. Communication is the life-blood of all relationships Verbal communication between two people is the way an important relationship usually starts.
3. Those who find verbal communication difficult will have to rely on what we call corporal communication.
4. Written and verbal communication between the plant management and Hanes management about the results of the implementation increases.
5. Self motivation, initiative, excellent written and verbal communication skills and attention to detail will, however, be vital.
6. Linguistically, it is called non - verbal communication.
7. Verbal communication and non-verbal communication are the two forms of interpersonal communication. The research of kinesic is an important part of that of non-verbal communication.
8. Verbal communication is not only a complicated social phenomenon but also a common social activity. It is greatly context-dependent.
9. Thus, to this odd symbol in network verbal communication, there are many questions worth further pondering and discussing.
10. In fact, non - verbal communication can, as the saying goes, speak volumes.
11. Verbal communication only stimulates the CONSCIOUS part of a woman's mind – the high-level, thinking part of her mind that accepts and blocks input based on logic.
12. With the support of nonverbal communication symbols, verbal communication symbol system plays the main role of vitalizing net communication.
13. Verbal communication is the most fundamental form of human communication.
14. Results:Patients with verbal communication and psychological care to treat disease, self regulation, control the ideal.
14. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
15. Pragmatic presupposition exists in verbal communication , especially in crosstalk which takes Baofu as a special representation.
16. Relevance Theory holds that verbal communication is an ostensive-inferential process and involves the code model and inferential model.
17. Nonverbal communication , like verbal communication, is also a part of culture.
18. It can be very time consuming and it often depends on unstructured verbal communication because of this.
19. The physical part made up for the shallowness of verbal communication.
20. The context in the eye movement study was unusual in that only verbal communication was possible.
21. The multiple - choice cloze test is a type of verbal communication.
22. Nonverbal communication has obvious cultural differences as well as verbal communication.
23. Kinesics language, as means of non-verbal expressions, plays an important aided role in verbal communication.
24. Echoic utterances are a type of common and interesting language phenomena, which play an important role in verbal communication.
25. This paper aims at confirming the positive significance of pragmatic vagueness in verbal communication and revealing some specific advantages of this phenome.
26. Epanadiplosis is apparently a tautological way of expression with no obvious semantic content(, and yet it has significant communicative value in daily verbal communication.
27. Environment language as an objective language is an important form of non- verbal communication.
28. The fourth part is the meaning of pragmatic ambivalence strategy verbal communication.
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